
Welcome to a very green blog. Put your introduction here. P.S. It would probably look best if you had a long line of links, and history (e.g. a old blog from a long time already), as both columns would do well with more content.

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It's best to write long stuff here cause it would look better.

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Try to increase the height of the tagboard if you can. Max width = 160px.

All graphics and codings by designer bwrp. Font by dafont.com.
Saturday, September 30, 2006

My Terrible Two
/1:04 PM

►Tara sa Punta Fuego

/12:50 PM

Monday, September 18, 2006
►Heaven and Eggs
Off to the market!
/7:53 PM

►The Comfort Spot

The minute i take out my cam from its case, Moojy will run and pose at this very same spot. Smiling and sometimes not smiling. Whatever position he's in the mood to, he will pose and go to that spot. In addition, he may also be sensitive on the background so before he makes a pose he will make sure to turn on the tv. Yes that's our son! :)
/7:27 PM